First Baptist Church of Rhinebeck is a family friendly place for worship, biblical teaching, serving the Lord, and making new friends. Located in the historic Rhinebeck area, First Baptist has been serving God and the community for over 200 years. Our welcoming, multi generational congregation of committed believers would love to welcome you to worship with us!
Sunday School: 9:30 am | Morning Worship 10:30 am | Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
We broadcast our services live every Sunday and Wednesday through Facebook and YouTube. On Sunday we broadcast our Women’s Sunday School at 9:30am, and our Worship Service at 10:30am. We also broadcast our Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting devotionals at 7pm.
Sunday Service - Building Wisely
FBC Rhinebeck Sun Feb 9th, 2025
For over 200 years, our church has been an integral part of our community, serving those around us and helping those in need. Our people are committed to being a church where broken, struggling people can find spiritual healing and wholeness though God’s word. Our desire as a church is to provide a place where diverse people can join together to grow in their relationship with God, understand His word and build meaningful relationships with others.
We would like to get to know you. Please come and visit us at one of our worship services, or call us at 845-876-4300.
Meet the Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Rhinebeck
Pastor Dan and family came to the First Baptist Church of Rhinebeck in the summer of 2008. He served as the associate pastor here for 10 years. In January of 2019, he became the lead pastor at the church. Pastor Dan is a veteran of the U.S. Army, where he served four years active duty. He and his wife have 4 children. His passion is preaching and teaching the Word of God so that it may change lives and glorify our Savior in heaven, as well as to lead people to follow Christ. Pastor Dan can be reached by calling the church or sending a message through the website.
Worship is a time of lifting our praises to God, as well as a time of intensive Bible teaching, exhortation, and growth. If you’re looking for no-nonsense preaching mixed with a passion to reach the lost and compassion for those who are hurting all around us, you will feel right at home at First Baptist Church.
Our adult small Bible study groups consist of several different groups to help you grow spiritually in the area you need most. Small groups meet a various times, however most of our groups meet on Sunday morning at 9:30am
Awana children’s club is our children’s ministry that meets on friday nights from 6:30pm to 8:30pm from September through May. Awana emphasizes spiritual growth through bible teaching, verse memorization and fun activities. Children are encouraged to complete verse memorization and lessons through a fun award system.
Our EDGE Youth Group meets on Friday nights from 6:30pm to 8:30pm for those in 7th-12th grades. Edge stands for Every Day God encounters. Our goal is to help our teens grow in their relationship to God through daily encounters with Him through His word and through prayer.
First Baptist Church is excited to offer as a ministry to our community two sports camps: Soccer and Basketball. These camps are designed to teach the fundamentals of the game, while also offering Biblical truth and insight into the lives of the players. Our Soccer Camp is for Children ages 5 to 11, and Basketball is for Boys ages 12 to 16.
Services generally last about one hour and fifteen minutes. Our worship services are a time of joyful worship and praise with a variety of traditional and contemporary Christian music provided by our choir, musicians and soloists. There may be special announcements or other features. Our pastor will preach a biblical message with practical application that will help you understand how you can live biblical principles in your life.
We offer adult courses in Spiritual Leadership, Biblical Literacy and Christian Living in a general adult class, as well as separate classes for men and women. We encourage you to check out our small group classes in order to get to know other people just like you.
Classes are also offered for preschoolers, elementary school age children, and Junior and High school students at 9:30 am Greeters can direct you to your room and will have the most updated list of adult, student, children and preschool classes and locations.
We have a wide variety of Children’s ministries which include: Sunday School, Junior Church on Sundays, Adventure Club and Youth Group on Friday’s and a children’s choir club which meets on Wednesday Nights. In addtion, we offer a summer soccer camp for elementary age children and a basketball camp for teenage boys in July.
Childcare is available during each morning service for babies to three years old. Children’s Sunday School for Kindergarten through 6th graders is offered at 9:30 a.m. Childcare is provided for babies through 3 yrs old during the morning worship hour. Junior church is also available for children ages 3 – 7 during the regular worship service. During Wednesday services, a nursery is provided for children ages 1-3 and a children’s choir meets for children ages 5-10 during the school year.
There are plenty of parking spaces as you enter our facilities in the back, as well as several more on the north side of our building.
Before the service, our ushers and many of our other members will extend a friendly greeting to you. Please let us know you are a guest. You do not have to register or sign your name to anything if you do not wish to, however, we would like to get to know you, so you have the option to fill out the “Welcome Card” provided on the inside flap of the bulletin. We ask that you drop the form in the offering plate during the service as your only offering or give your form to a greeter/usher as you leave the service. If you are visiting from out of town and plan on moving to the Rhinebeck area, we would love to know that so that we can be of help.
If you arrive before the service starts, you will notice that our sanctuary is filled with pews. There are no reserved seats, so you may sit anywhere. Look in the book rack on the back of the pew to find a song book and a Bible. Many people will be greeting each other during this time. As you enter the church, you will receive a copy of the bulletin which gives you information on the many happenings at First Baptist Church. Don’t worry if you arrive just a little after the service has started; our ushers will help you find a seat!
We provide handicap parking in designated areas with wheel chair access. We also provide handicapped accessible bathrooms.
First Baptist Church of Rhinebeck, 9 Astor Drive, Rhinebeck NY 12572
First Baptist Church is excited to offer as a ministry to our community two sports camps: Soccer and Basketball. These camps are designed to teach the fundamentals of the game, while also offering Biblical truth and insight into the lives of the players. For more information, download the flyers or call the church at 845-876-4300. Brochures and registration links below.
High Power soccer is a national soccer outreach program locally hosted by the First Baptist Church of Rhinebeck. The camp is for children 5 -11 years old and runs from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm daily usually during the last week of June (see brochure for exact dates) at the Community at Brookmeade Soccer fields in Rhinebeck. During the camp, daily activities will focus on the fundamentals of soccer, and include individual and team based skill improvement as well as daily scrimmage games. Participants will learn basic soccer skills, get lots of exercise, and enjoy singing, skits and Bible teaching based on a weekly Biblical theme. Children at any skill level are welcome and will benefit from this soccer training program. For a small registration fee, campers receive great soccer training, a t-shirt, daily snacks, drinks, and a free cook out at the end of the week that family is invited to. For more information call the church at 845-876-4300.
Impact sports basketball camp began as an outreach to the Hudson Valley community to teach the fundamentals of basketball, as well as the positive values and character traits that are part of learning a team sport. Likewise throughout the week, students learn Biblical values and truth that will help them in their lives. Our basketball camp boasts a unique, experienced, and extremely talented coaching staff, that is one of the best in the whole valley. The camp usually runs during the second or third week in July (see brochure for exact dates), and meets daily from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Daily activities focus on the fundamentals of Basketball, and will include both individual and team skill improvement exercises. Participants will have an opportunity to be involved in daily scrimmage games and in a week long tournament as well. For their registration fee, our campers receive top notch coaching, a camp t-shirt, lunch each day, drinks, afternoon snacks, and a free cookout that is open to the family at the end of the week. For more information about the camp call the church at 845-876-4300.
In this world there are many things which cause fear, pain and sadness. If you are feeling confused and full of despair, there is Good News! You are not alone! You can find relief right now by accepting the free gift offered to YOU personally by Jesus Christ.
You are a sinner. We all are. Sin is any deed or thought contrary to the nature of God. Every person is born with sin and commits sin every day. God is Holy and hates sin. In fact, God’s Word says: “For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
Sin, simply put, deserves death. Because God is just, He must punish sin. The punishment is eternal separation from God. God’s Word says: “For the wages of sin are death…” (Romans 6:23a)
You cannot save yourself. Because you are born a sinner there is no action you can do to make yourself worthy of heaven. You cannot go to church or be good enough to earn a place in heaven. God’s Word says: “not by [good works] which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” (Titus 3:5a)
Only God can save you. God gave his Son, Jesus Christ the only sinless person ever on earth, as your Savior. Jesus Christ paid your death penalty in full. God’s Word Says: “But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
The cross is sufficient. Jesus paid for your sin by shedding His blood, dying on the cross and rising from the grave. His blood paid your penalty. His resurrection defeated death and He now sits in Heaven at the right hand of God. God’s Word Says: “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” (1 Peter 3:18a)
Trusting Jesus alone will save you. You are powerless to save yourself. Only by trusting that Jesus died for your sins, was buried and rose again from the grave can you receive salvation (eternity with God). God’s Word says: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31) “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (John 3:36)
“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:9-10,13
If you have made a decision to accept God’s Gift of salvation you will begin to experience His help in calming your fears and worries that come from being in this world.
Please let us know if you have further questions on how to grow in your relationship with Jesus or would like to share your decision for Christ with us!
The Bible – We believe that the original documents of the Scriptures were God breathed and completely free from error. God has preserved His Word for us through the ages and we have today an authoritative source for all faith and practice.
God – We believe that there is one God who has eternally existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has revealed Himself to man so that humanity can be restored to relationship with Him.
Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ, perfect God and perfect man, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and died and rose again to solve the problem of human sin. He now sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession on our behalf.
Holy Spirit – We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, active in the new birth of believers, indwells each believer and produces fruit in believers as they yield to His control.
Creation – We believe in the literal six days of Creation as set forth in the book of Genesis.
Humanity – We believe that man was created in the image of God but because of his fall into sin is now a sinner by nature and totally unable to reach God on his own.
Salvation – We believe that the salvation of man is achieved by the gracious sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. The requirements for salvation are repentance and faith.
Security of the Believer – We believe that those who truly come to salvation in Christ can never lose that salvation since it is totally dependent on Jesus Christ.
The Church – We believe that all believers make up the church of Jesus Christ. The local church is a congregation of professing, baptized believers who are associated with each other by a covenant and articles of faith and by the observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Together they seek to fulfill God’s purposes.
Return of Christ – We believe in the literal return of Christ in the air to take His church to heaven before the coming of the great tribulation. We also believe in His subsequent return to earth to set up His Kingdom.
Worship is a time of lifting our praises to God, as well as a time of intensive Bible teaching, exhortation, and growth. If you’re looking for no-nonsense preaching mixed with a passion to reach the lost and compassion for those who are hurting all around us, you will feel right at home at First Baptist Church. Our Sunday Morning Services begin at 10:30AM and involve enthusiastic singing, special music and practical relevant teaching from God’s Word.
A typical worship service includes an opening time of singing hymns and praises, followed by some brief announcements, prayer and a time of welcoming one another. We continue the service by singing together, as well as enjoying some instrumentals and special music. Before the preaching service, children will be dismissed to junior church.
During the preaching service our pastor will focus on a Bible passage, explaining principles from God’s word and helping us to make application to our lives. The service will close with congregational singing and a prayer, and there will be a time of food and fellowship immediately following in the gym for those who wish to stay. A nursery is provided for all babies and toddlers during the complete worship service.
Come and experience the joy of knowing God in a family atmosphere of love and encouragement!
Our adult small Bible study groups consist of several different groups to help you grow spiritually in the area you need most. Small groups meet a various times, however most of our groups meet on Sunday morning at 9:30am These groups fall into a few general catagories designed to help our adults grow in their relationship to the Lord, and in spiritual maturity.
In addition to offering small group studies in the above topics, some of our groups are tailored specifically for women, and some specifically for men. At various times we also offer groups specifically focusing on married couples and Biblical parenting.
Here is an example of a typical small group study offering:
Women’s Group: Learning from the Life of Elijah – Elijah made an extraordinary difference for God in his time, and yet, Elijah was just an ordinary man. He dealt with the same shortcomings and problems in his own life that many of us face today. Learn how Elijah faithfully and powerfully served the Lord despite the difficulties that could have held him back.
Men’s Group: Disciplines of a Godly Man – Learn how to live an effective godly life through the biblical disciplines. Share with other men as you grow spiritually together towards what God has called you to be.
Lessons from Life and Experience of Job -Job, a man of godly character, faced severe financial loss, family loss, and personal suffering. Learn the biblical principles Job experienced in both the physical and spiritual side of his circumstance, and how they can help you understand and relate to God in your own life experience.
Multiply – Disciples Making Disciples – Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19) Jesus has called us to BE disciples and to MAKE disciples. This group will help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to be an effective disciple maker for Christ.
Women’s Group: Becoming a Titus 2 Woman – Titus 2 defines how women grow in godly character as they disciple other women in true Christian living. Grow together with other women as you learn these godly characteristics of Christian women, and how to train other woman to live that godly life.
For more information, please call 845-876-4300 to ask about these and other small group bible studies that are available to you!
An Awana Club meeting consists of three main parts: games, Scripture memory, and a Bible lesson time. Each of these activities help to ensure your child is able to learn scripture and have fun doing it! While the church supplies our facilities and equipment, each child is responsible to purchase their book. In addition, the church supplies treats and special supplies. After your first club meeting, your child will bring home a booklet with activities and verse memorization in it. We hope you will help your child complete this booklet and memorize their weekly verse! Every week, your child is eligible to earn awards that are pinned to their Awana uniform.
Our Awana Club age groups are:
Our goal in Awana is to work with parents in providing balanced spiritual, physical, social, and mental activities for your child. We would love to meet with you and discuss this opportunity!
If you do not have a church home, we would also like to invite you to visit our church. Sunday school meets at 9:30 am with classes for all ages. The worship service for children and adults meets at 10:30 am.
Our EDGE Youth Group meets on Friday nights from 6:30pm to 9:30pm for those in 7th-12th grades. The purpose of this youth group is to bring our teens in closer fellowship with God and with each other through shared Bible study, prayer and fellowship activities.
Our current focus for 2021/2022 will be on helping every teen and leader to have an Every Day GOD Encounter (EDGE) in serval ways:
We are excited to see how God can use our teens to accomplish His will and to bring Him glory as they learn to live for and serve Him on a daily basis!